Leonardo Bentini
Leonardo Bentini, The Intangible Community
https://airtrieste.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/The-Intangible-Community-Leonardo-Bentini-Neuro_Revolution-2020-MLZ-Art-Dep-Courtesy-AiR-Trieste-Per-Chi-Crea-Foto-Studio-Macovaz-3.jpgLeonardo Bentini, The Intangible Community, Neuro_Revolution, 2020, MLZ Art Dep, Courtesy AiR Trieste - Per Chi Crea, Foto Studio Macovaz
Leonardo Bentini, The Intangible Community (detail)
https://airtrieste.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/dettaglio-leoanrdo.jpg -
Leonardo Bentini ritratto
https://airtrieste.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Leonardo-Bentini-con-la-sua-opera-The-Intangible-Community-Neuro_Revolution-2020-MLZ-Art-Dep-Courtesy-AiR-Trieste-Per-Chi-Crea-1jpg.jpgLeonardo Bentini con la sua opera The Intangible Community, Neuro_Revolution, 2020, MLZ Art Dep, Courtesy AiR Trieste - Per Chi Crea, foto Studio Macovaz
Leonardo Bentini (Rome, 1994)
lives and works in Milan
Intangible community
Interactive installation: web page, print on self-adhesive PVC
Leonardo Bentini has focused his work on the world of the gig economy and in particular on Ama-zon Mechanical Turk, the crowdsourcing service that coordinates the demand and supply of tasks that computers are not currently able to perform properly and for which, therefore, human intelli-gence is required or preferable. The workers of this sector are automated, temporary, underpaid, without any social security and any representative voice. With Intangible community, the artist uses the platform to involve the workers in the writing of a series of collective tales that, collected on a web page and featuring illustrations by the artist, prompt reflection on the identity and the future of the community.
The serie of coral narration born through this project is avaible on its website: The Intangible Community.
photos by Studio Macovaz